Central user account

The URZ provides every authorised user with a personal user ID. This is mandatory so that you can use centrally offered services, such as e-mail or WLAN. The central user account is managed via the account administration.

Automatic creation of a user account

When providing user accounts, we follow the requirements of the LHG M-V and the URZ's user regulations, which regulate who is authorised to use the facilities and other resources of the university, i.e. who can be granted access to the services of the URZ. For members within the meaning of § 50 paragraph 1 and § 55 paragraph 2 no. 6 LHG M-V, the URZ automatically creates accounts and sends account opening letters or fanfolds by post. This concerns the following groups of people:


  • full-time employees of the university (including the University Medical Centre)
  • enrolled students
  • enrolled doctoral students
  • lecturers

If you belong to one of the groups of people listed here, you do not need to inform the URZ of any changes to your personal data, e.g. if you wish to continue working or change your field of study. We receive all necessary data fully automatically from the responsible personnel administration or the student secretariat. If your data is incorrect, please contact these offices to correct it.

Activation of the automatically created user account

The services offered by the URZ can only be used after you have changed your password.
Therefore, please log in to our account administration with the access data specified in the account opening letter. You can change your password on the left-hand side under the menu item 'My profile' and 'Password'.